Mr. Keniel Perez -
Mrs Paula Lucas -
Mr. Ivan Perez -
World Languages Courses
The purpose of a World Language is to introduce the students to a language other than their native language. The study of the culture, history, and literature of the societies in which Spanish and French are spoken augments knowledge of the humanities and promotes cultural understanding and acceptance of diversity. It is our expectation that this study will enable the students to appreciate the rich heritage and cultural contributions that the French and Spanish speaking countries have made to Western Civilization.
The NJ high school graduation requirements require all students to take (and pass) at least one year of a World Language.
Most competitive colleges require at least two years of successful completion of the same language.
Grade/s: 9 - 12
Credits: 5
This introductory course is designed for students who have a limited foundation in Spanish. Students who have studied Spanish in earlier grades may not have grasped the important structures of the language. The basic language patterns and vocabulary are taught through, repetition, guided dialogues, and communicative interactions about familiar topics and situations. Attention is given to the development of comprehension, listening, speaking and writing skills so that the student can communicate on a novice level. Students will explore the geography and culture of Spanish speaking countries. Research and performance based activities are required with an emphasis on the speaking component.
Grade/s: 9 - 12
Credits: 5
This course includes the application of increasingly more complex patterns of grammar. The vocabulary of the language is enriched through reading selections and communicative activities. Communication is stressed and will gradually develop from the novice to the low intermediate level of proficiency. Knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilizations are extended through videos and research. Performance-based activities are required with an emphasis on the speaking component. Students will continue to explore the geography and culture of Spanish-speaking countries.
Prerequisite: Spanish I and/or teacher recommendation
Grade/s: 10 - 12
Credits: 5
Honors Spanish III introduces students to more advanced grammatical structures of the language in spoken and written communication. This course continues to build on the four aspects of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Communication is stressed and will gradually develop from a low-intermediate level to a mid-intermediate level of proficiency. Students will be able to imitate appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions through social interaction with peers. Reading selections of literary merit are introduced with attention to vocabulary development. Students will develop an appreciation of the perspectives, products, and practices of the various regions through their study of Spanish civilization and culture. Research projects are pursued and oral work is stressed.
Prerequisite: Spanish II. Multiple measures of student performance, including teacher recommendation and a final grade of B or higher in the previous course AND final exam.
Grade/s: 11 -12
Credits: 5
In Honors Spanish 4/5, students review advanced grammatical structures. Reading selections of literary merit are studied with attention to vocabulary development. Written and oral communication are stressed and will gradually develop from a mid-intermediate level to a high-intermediate level of proficiency. Speaking and listening skills are reinforced in the target language. Students pursue the study of Hispanic history, civilization, and culture. Research projects are pursued and oral work is stressed.
Prerequisite: Spanish III / IV. Multiple measures of student performance, including teacher recommendation and a final grade of B or higher in the previous course AND final exam.