Visual, Performing, and Practical Arts Courses


    All children require and must be provided with an opportunity for a meaningful arts education. These core curriculum standards provide the foundation for creating a framework for essential arts education in all New Jersey schools. They form the core of our expectations for New Jersey students.

    • All students will acquire knowledge and skills that increase aesthetic awareness in dance, music, theater and visual arts.

    • All students will refine perceptual, intellectual, physical and technical skills through creating dance, music, theater and/or visual arts.

    • All students will utilize art elements and art media to produce artistic products and performances.

    • All students will demonstrate knowledge of the process of critiquing skills through creating dance, music, theater and/or visual arts.

    • All students will identify the various historical, social and cultural influences and traditions which have generated artistic accomplishments throughout the ages and which continue to shape contemporary art.

    • All students will develop design skills for planning the form and function of space, structures, objects, sounds and events.


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 5

    This course will cover an extensive area of choral repertoire/voice through the use of voice techniques. The student will also study basic music theory, sight singing and be exposed to dramatic, cultural and theatrical productions, American Musicals, and 21st century music. This course is recommended for students who have an interest in singing and have a desire to improve their vocal techniques and basic music skills. Students will be required to perform at concerts as a functional organization that represents the Wildwood School system.  

    Prerequisite: Audition required


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 5

    This course is for students who are interested in learning to play piano. Individual and group instruction in keyboard, music theory and piano literature are taught. Students will be required to participate in a student recital for an audience so that they may be observed in concert.


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 5

    High School band is offered to those students wishing to continue their studies in instrumental music from the Jr. High program. Students will have the opportunity to perform a wide variety of music, from classical to the music of today. There will be several performances of the band throughout the year in which parents can observe their children. In addition to the daily band rehearsals, students will be given a group lesson once a week. Attendance is mandatory for all performances.

    Prerequisite: MS Concert Band or Audition


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 2.5 (1/2 year course)

    Students in this course learn various computer applications. The intent is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate a variety of software applications in order to produce quality desktop publishing and multimedia presentations. Text, images, and graphic blends are covered. 


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 2.5 (1/2 year course)

    Digital Media Arts II is a project-based course developed to familiarize students with the disciplines of blending video, audio, virtual reality, advertising , and graphic design together.  Students will form collaborative pairs and groups to plan and create projects intended to introduce them to a variety of careers such as marketing, advertising, video productions, broadcast journalism, web design, and communications. Skills not only involve the creation of video products, but also the evaluation of multimedia as it exists in the world today such as documentary, film, news, and web-based mediums.  Students must be open to presenting materials in front of audiences and on camera. The software application Photoshop will be explored at an introductory level. This course is not intended for students with advanced graphic design skills.

    Prerequisites: Successful Completion of Digital Media Arts I,  or Principal’s permission.


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits: 5 credits

    Digital Media Arts III is a project-based course intended for students who have advanced skills and background knowledge in the field of multimedia productions. Students will form collaborative pairs and groups to plan and create projects at an advanced level. Students will learn and integrate new material into their multimedia projects like lighting, sound, Final Cut Pro, music productions, and special, visual, and optical effects. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash Animation will be thoroughly explored. School promotional projects such as Prom, Wildwood High School promotional videos, plays, and other events will be produced in Digital Media Arts III. Students will also explore the world of Web Design and the fundamentals of creating a working website for the 21st century. Students must be open to presenting materials in front of audiences and on camera.

    Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Digital Arts II


    Grade/s: 9 - 12

    Credits:  5 credits

    Computer Science is a new subject offering, provided as an online course, in which students will learn about computational thinking, computer programming, the appropriate use of the internet and the development of internet webpages, data security and the prevention of data breaches, ethical matters in computer science, and the global impact of advancements in computer sciences. Prerequisite: Students must seek approval through the Guidance Department.


    Grade/s: 12

    Credits: 5

    The senior level co-op program is designed for students who exhibit the desire and maturity to work during the week while attending high school full time.  This course in combination with successfully working at a job during the school year will help the student to earn high school credit for real world experience.  This program will foster an understanding of workplace issues, real life topics, and life skills to aid the student with his or her transition from high school to life afterwards.